Friday 22 July 2011

Greek Bailout 2.0: Guardian Article (22.07.11)

"You naughty girl!"

Greek Bailout Guardian Article

Above is an overview of the plans which have been given the green light - what thoughts do you have on this...?

Introductory Post: The Greek Bailout Pt. II

Wanted to start a blog to encourage critical opinion on the current happenings regarding the second bailout of Greece, which was announced last night.

A forum open to those professionally associated and involved, but also more generally to people who may not have the a media accredited title, yet who's opinion is just as valid and erudite.

Please share you're thoughts, and hopefully we can foster a community of interesting minds contributing to an influential body of information that will not only help to understand the basics of the current situation, but also give proscriptive advice on ways to remedy, and avoid similar situations in the not-too-distant future.

All I ask is that we clearly label our contributions 'Comment' or 'Opinion' as I feel this divide is important, and often overlooked in contemporary media which can unfairly distort opinion formation of those on the receiving end of the information.